Testing equipment
KAR-Lehtonen manufactures various liquid testing equipment and meter calibration equipment for research organizations, educational institutions, and industrial operators. Our testing equipment is suitable for measuring the properties of a liquid at the specified pressure and temperature, as well as for checking and calibrating technical equipment. Our special expertise is testing equipment for the treatment of hazardous substances, e.g. for strong acids, bases, and flammable liquids.
We implement testing equipment flexibly tailored to the customer’s needs and for different sizes of containers. The volume of a container to be tested may be between 0.1 and 100 m³. We are happy to be involved already at the design phase of the equipment, when we take into account customer-specific requirements and regulations defined by the authorities in the development work. Our operations have a certificate in accordance with EN ISO 3834-2, as an indication of strict quality control and documentation throughout the process. Our area of operation is the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Flexible customization – versatile advanced features
Decades of experience as a manufacturer of liquid handling equipment have given us a clear view of the technology of the equipment and the regulatory requirements of different countries. We have strong design expertise that helps us develop testing equipment that is ideal for our customers’ needs. The equipment can also be fitted with accessories in many different ways.
Additional functions for test equipment include heating equipment suitable for maintaining even high temperatures. Heating can be implemented at your choice of either manually, thermostatically controlled, or remotely operated.
The test equipment can be equipped to be suitable for pressure tests. In this case, the equipment can be used to pressurize the liquid phase or technical device, including vacuum. The pressure range of the tests is between 0.07 and 250 bar. The equipment can also be easily visually observed, for example with sight glasses or camera equipment that provide a direct view inside the equipment.
When the liquid being analysed changes frequently, the drain function is the right choice. In this case, the test unit and its piping can be emptied efficiently and quickly – at the touch of a button. In turn, the testing and inspection equipment in seasonal use can be equipped with a flushing function to avoid, for example, corrosion damage, organic growth, and freezing. The rinsing agent can be administered manually, but alternatively its container can also be connected directly to the testing equipment.
Fast delivery times – up-to-date documentation 24/7
We manufacture the equipment ourselves and our operating model is very agile. This allows us to offer our customers fast delivery times. Equipment delivery can typically be arranged within a month – even when starting from the beginning of product development and mapping the customer’s needs.
It is important for us that accurate documentation of the tests is as easy as possible for the customer. Documentation equipment that already works via the network can be connected to
the equipment at the manufacturing stage. This means that there is always a real-time trace of the measurements, where all the tests performed with the equipment and their results are stored directly in the cloud service.
Did you know?
We also offer all lifecycle services for testing equipment. We supply the necessary
spare parts for the equipment, take care of maintenance and repairs, and, if necessary, supplement the equipment
with additional features to serve the updated use.
Here is how it goes:
- CONTACT US – You can reach our experts by phone or form here.
- INITIAL SURVEY – We will find out your needs and listen to your wishes.
- PLANNING AND CONSULTANCY SERVICE – The planning team will prepare a proposal for you, taking into account the specifics of your operations and up-to-date legal regulations. The experts provide planning assistance specifically for you on optimal and cost-effective solutions.
- PROPOSAL AND OFFER – We will make you a proposal for comment. After the final requests for change, you will receive an offer.
- CONTRACT MANUFACTURING – We manufacture the product you have ordered, or a comprehensive solution tailored to your wishes.
- DELIVERY – We will give or deliver ready-made solutions to you, reliably and on schedule. We offer in-depth implementation training for the equipment user.
KAR-Lehtonen – referenssit
Meillä on ollut KAR-Lehtosen kanssa pitkäaikainen ja hyvä yhteistyö ja ollaan oltu tyytyväisiä heidän palveluun. Me ollaan tienpäällystyksessä Suomessa merkittävä tekijä ja ajetaan päällystykseen bitumia. Heillä on meidän toiminnan onnistumiseen ratkaiseva merkitys ja ovat sen täyttäneet. Lisäksi kehitystä on heillä tehty koko ajan parempaan suuntaan.
Aarni Isotalo, Kuljetusliike Aarni Isotalo Oy
Kokemukseni on erittäin positiivinen KAR-Lehtosen toiminnasta. Kehitimme yrityksellemme uutta toimintaa ja siihen liittyen tilasin KAR-Lehtoselta alipaine/-imusäiliön ja meillä ei ole aiempaa kokemusta kyseisenlaisesta säiliöstä. Saimme yhteistyössä toteutettua juuri meille parhaan laitteen. KAR-Lehtonen oikeasti toteuttaa sen mitä asiakas haluaa ja pystyy myös asiakkaalle uusissa jutuissa antamaan neuvoa.
Matti Törmänen, Kuljetusliike Törmänen Oy
Vi har haft ett mycket gott samarbete med KAR-Lehtonen i över tjugo år. De har byggt ett antal olje-/ bitumen- och gassläp åt oss. De har även färdigställt alla våra tankbilar. Vi är väldigt nöjda med deras service.
Daniel Rundberg, Rundbergs Bil & Service Ab