Fluid control systems
KAR-Lehtonen offers solutions tailored to fluid control and management with decades of experience. Our range includes ATEX-approved pump units, piping, storage tanks, and testing equipment for handling hazardous substances.
Our equipment is suitable for controlling oil, water, liquid fuels, bitumen, and chemicals reliably and safely both outdoors and indoors. We also offer an expert design service to find optimal solutions and an installation service for easy implementation.
Our customers include various industrial operators, construction companies, production facilities, public authorities, and educational institutions. We specialize in strong design expertise, tailored solutions, and efficient and fast production.
A focus on quality and customer-specific customization
It is important for us to provide our customers with reliable quality and long-lasting equipment. We do not compromise on production solutions, and the equipment components are selected with special precision. The components we use can operate in temperatures as low as -40°C, so the devices work flawlessly even in demanding northern weather conditions.
Our solutions are scaled to the wide range of needs of our customers. We offer both individual and small systems as well as large-scale overall solutions. Our equipment also offers several powering possibilities – either hydraulics, electricity, or compressed air depending on the customer’s choice.
Our fluid control systems can be both fixed and on-board units.
In product development, we have specifically invested in enabling remote monitoring and remote use of equipment. If necessary, all our equipment can also be equipped with its own emergency power units so that they can be placed flexibly in unoccupied spaces.
Strong expertise in planning and overall management
Decades of experience in fuel and chemical handling and transport solutions have created an overall picture of the operations of our customers in the field, the requirements set for the equipment, and the potential challenges. Our particular strength is understanding the customer’s business – from oil companies to transporters.
When a customer acquires a new fluid control system, we always provide our expert
planning service to support the process. This will enable us to find the best solutions for the customer’s operations together. Considering features, practicality, and safety factors. We can also take overall responsibility for the planning if the customer does not have an accurate understanding of the features they need or are available.
Safety – a quality system and important standards as the cornerstones of operations
We provide ATEX-approved pumps for your operation, which are suitable for Ex-environments classified as explosive. Our production also complies with the requirements and documentation of the EN ISO 3834-2 quality system, ensuring high quality throughout the process.
To ensure safety, we manufacture safety equipment in such a way that a single malfunction does not pose an immediate danger. We also take into account any specific requirements of the customer’s industry in the design process, and we manufacture the equipment to meet all the requirements set for it.
If necessary, the measuring devices of our fluid control equipment are available MID-approved, which makes them suitable for the sale of liquid fuels, for example.
KAR-Lehtonen – referenssit
Meillä on ollut KAR-Lehtosen kanssa pitkäaikainen ja hyvä yhteistyö ja ollaan oltu tyytyväisiä heidän palveluun. Me ollaan tienpäällystyksessä Suomessa merkittävä tekijä ja ajetaan päällystykseen bitumia. Heillä on meidän toiminnan onnistumiseen ratkaiseva merkitys ja ovat sen täyttäneet. Lisäksi kehitystä on heillä tehty koko ajan parempaan suuntaan.
Aarni Isotalo, Kuljetusliike Aarni Isotalo Oy
Kokemukseni on erittäin positiivinen KAR-Lehtosen toiminnasta. Kehitimme yrityksellemme uutta toimintaa ja siihen liittyen tilasin KAR-Lehtoselta alipaine/-imusäiliön ja meillä ei ole aiempaa kokemusta kyseisenlaisesta säiliöstä. Saimme yhteistyössä toteutettua juuri meille parhaan laitteen. KAR-Lehtonen oikeasti toteuttaa sen mitä asiakas haluaa ja pystyy myös asiakkaalle uusissa jutuissa antamaan neuvoa.
Matti Törmänen, Kuljetusliike Törmänen Oy
Vi har haft ett mycket gott samarbete med KAR-Lehtonen i över tjugo år. De har byggt ett antal olje-/ bitumen- och gassläp åt oss. De har även färdigställt alla våra tankbilar. Vi är väldigt nöjda med deras service.
Daniel Rundberg, Rundbergs Bil & Service Ab
Did you know?
Our principle is to manufacture our fluid control system as easy
to maintain as possible. Hot work is rarely required for the maintenance, meaning that the maintenance can usually also be carried out by the customer’s own personnel.