Road tankers for hot products

KAR-Lehtonen manufactures transport tanks for hazardous substances with almost fifty years of experience. We are the market leader in bitumen tanks in Finland – with a market share of over 80%.

We also provide comprehensive lifecycle services for the tanks. Transport solutions for hot liquids are our specialty. The types of tanks we manufacture include tanker trailers, vehicle tanks, tank containers, and storage tanks up to +250 ° C. Heating equipment, pumps, aggregates, and other related products are also available for
KAR tanks.

Our customers include haulers and asphalt contractors, many of whom have relied on our tanks for decades. We serve both independent transport companies and large listed companies – tailor-made and flexible throughout the product lifecycle.

It is important for us to provide our customers with superior reliability. In product development, we have invested significantly in tank safety equipment. This helps avoid dangerous situations even in the event of human error. Our versatile tank solutions are also cost-effective and easily transformed into different products.

We are also known for our excellent customer service – should any needs or challenges arise, you can always get help from your contact person. 24/7. 24/7.

Transport tankers for dangerous goods

Truck tank

  • Planning to suit your needs
  • The lightest on the market
  • Example:
    • Volume 15 000 – 22 500 litres
    • One or more compartments
  • Various measuring devices

Full trailer

  • Planning to suit your needs
  • The lightest on the market
  • Example:
    • Volume 30 000 – 35 000 litres
    • One or more compartments
    • Two to five axles


  • Planning to suit your needs
  • The lightest on the market
  • Example:
    • Volume 45 000 – 53 500 litres
    • One or more compartments
    • Three to five axles

Tailored to your needs – support throughout the lifecycle

We can provide a transport container tailored to your needs. We are happy to be involved already from the design phase, ensuring that the container is fully adapted to your operations – including the placement of the operating devices.

We manufacture tanks for platforms of all sizes and the size of the tank can be customized according to the customer’s wishes. From one cubic metre to more than 100 cubic metres.

It is important for us to support the customer throughout the lifecycle of the equipment. We offer our customers worry-free maintenance contracts and help with any questions. For example, in the seasonal operation of bitumen, we support the customer 24/7 throughout the busy summer season. In winter, we check and maintain our customers’ tanks, so they are ready for the new season.

We also provide the necessary spare parts for the tanks and thorough user training to ensure efficient and safe operation. As an additional service, we offer an extended 36-month warranty period for the equipment.

The maintenance documents for our tanks can always be found effortlessly in the cloud service. They can
also be easily accessed by the customer and maintenance companies using the QR code found on the tank.

Varustettu bitumisäiliöt

Reliability even in harsh weather conditions

Our transport tanks are among the best in their field when it comes to reliability. We therefore want to prevent difficult downtime by investing in the selection of high-quality and durable components. The tanks are also manufactured for easy modification so that they can be adapted cost-effectively for transporting different products.

Our equipment is designed for the harshest weather conditions in the Nordic region. The transport tanks therefore operate at full capacity as low as -40 ° C and are made of corrosion-resistant materials. Serviceability has also been taken into account in the design – component replacement and maintenance are easy thanks to the service hatches we have developed.

Safety, performance, and continuous product development

We have invested heavily in the safety equipment of our tanks. One of the most important is the automatic pressure-relief system, which ensures that the tank is not damaged, even if someone forgot to open the appropriate hatches in the event of content unloading.

In addition, we have developed heating equipment for our tanks, which is also newly available with remote control. To prevent pipeline breakage, we have developed piping expansion joints.

For critical operating components such as pipeline valves, we always choose the best quality available. We are also constantly working to lighten the tanks so that our customers can increase their payload.

Here is how it goes:

  1. CONTACT US – You can reach our experts by phone or form here.
  2. INITIAL SURVEY – We will find out your needs and listen to your wishes.
  3. PLANNING AND CONSULTANCY SERVICE – The planning team will prepare a proposal for you, taking into account the specifics of your operations and up-to-date legal regulations. The experts provide planning assistance specifically for you on optimal and cost-effective solutions.
  4. PROPOSAL AND OFFER – We will make you a proposal for comment. After the final requests for change, you will receive an offer.
  5. CONTRACT MANUFACTURING – We manufacture the product you have ordered, or a comprehensive solution tailored to your wishes.
  6. DELIVERY – We will give or deliver ready-made solutions to you, reliably and on schedule. We offer in-depth implementation training for the equipment user.

KAR-Lehtonen – referenssit

Meillä on ollut KAR-Lehtosen kanssa pitkäaikainen ja hyvä yhteistyö ja ollaan oltu tyytyväisiä heidän palveluun. Me ollaan tienpäällystyksessä Suomessa merkittävä tekijä ja ajetaan päällystykseen bitumia. Heillä on meidän toiminnan onnistumiseen ratkaiseva merkitys ja ovat sen täyttäneet. Lisäksi kehitystä on heillä tehty koko ajan parempaan suuntaan.

Kokemukseni on erittäin positiivinen KAR-Lehtosen toiminnasta. Kehitimme yrityksellemme uutta toimintaa ja siihen liittyen tilasin KAR-Lehtoselta alipaine/-imusäiliön ja meillä ei ole aiempaa kokemusta kyseisenlaisesta säiliöstä. Saimme yhteistyössä toteutettua juuri meille parhaan laitteen. KAR-Lehtonen oikeasti toteuttaa sen mitä asiakas haluaa ja pystyy myös asiakkaalle uusissa jutuissa antamaan neuvoa.

Vi har haft ett mycket gott samarbete med KAR-Lehtonen i över tjugo år. De har byggt ett antal olje-/ bitumen- och gassläp åt oss. De har även färdigställt alla våra tankbilar. Vi är väldigt nöjda med deras service.

Did you know?

When choosing maintenance service for our tanks, we will take care of the maintenance program for you. We take care of all important measures, inviting you for regular maintenance and informing you, among other things, of the impending date of the pressure test. Important dates will never be forgotten again.