Modifications of tanks and vehicles
KAR-Lehtonen is a partner serving customers in all matters related to the equipment, including various modifications. We offer our customers comprehensive customization services to update old equipment to meet modern requirements or to change operational needs. This extends the service life of the product and improves the economy of use.
Our customers include transport companies and various industrial operators in the Nordic and Baltic regions. We are located near the ports of Turku and Naantali, which enables us to provide an effortless turnkey service to operators outside of Finland as well. After the customer delivers their vehicle to the ship, we take care of the rest.
Examples of modification services

Platform changes
- Replacing or repairing the truck tank subframe
- Replacement of bogie trailers
- Platform equipment

- Updating measuring instruments and pumping systems
- Upgrading safety equipment to meet new requirements
- Surface repair and painting
- Equipment changes to the tank to suit different products
- Modifications in hydraulic, electrical, and compressed-air systems
- Modifications to vehicle attachment structures, etc.
More years of use for the equipment
The potential lifespan of tanks is long. KAR-Lehtonen helps to renovate and renew the existing equipment to meet the changing requirements of operations. Even a tank, which is decades old, can be refurbished to almost new with expert modifications, saving
the customer’s resources. This is also practical for the customer from the point of view of saving time, as there is no need to relearn how to use the equipment from the beginning.
The modification of a tank will also help to adapt the equipment to meet new requirements, for example, when the Traffic and ADR Act will be updated. In this case, by renewing the existing equipment, the customer can take advantage of the increasing payload made possible by law, for example.
The possibility of changing the platform also increases the service life and provides a higher payload for the equipment. We handle platform changes with professionalism, and we are also happy to offer consulting assistance in selecting the optimal platform.

More versatility – more return
We know that our customers’ usage needs vary over time. That’s why we’re helping to make optimal use of old equipment with modifications when needs change. We succeed in changing the volume of tanks as well as increasing the number of compartments, which means that the same tank can be used for the simultaneous transport of several products.
If necessary, we will help to modify the tank for different products when, for example, new types of fuels are introduced to the market. The trailer tank can also be shortened to a vehicle tank and vice versa.
Modifications and accessories can be used to make the equipment more modern and efficient – for example, to increase the efficiency of pumps, speed up operation, and improve operational safety.
The goal of modifications is always to optimize the customer’s transport capacity so that the equipment serves different needs and achieves a better profit ratio.
Did you know?
We always carry out tank modifications with extreme care, using the latest know-how in the field. In this way, the modifications we have carried out can also be guaranteed as an additional service.
KAR-Lehtonen – referenssit
Meillä on ollut KAR-Lehtosen kanssa pitkäaikainen ja hyvä yhteistyö ja ollaan oltu tyytyväisiä heidän palveluun. Me ollaan tienpäällystyksessä Suomessa merkittävä tekijä ja ajetaan päällystykseen bitumia. Heillä on meidän toiminnan onnistumiseen ratkaiseva merkitys ja ovat sen täyttäneet. Lisäksi kehitystä on heillä tehty koko ajan parempaan suuntaan.
Aarni Isotalo, Kuljetusliike Aarni Isotalo Oy
Kokemukseni on erittäin positiivinen KAR-Lehtosen toiminnasta. Kehitimme yrityksellemme uutta toimintaa ja siihen liittyen tilasin KAR-Lehtoselta alipaine/-imusäiliön ja meillä ei ole aiempaa kokemusta kyseisenlaisesta säiliöstä. Saimme yhteistyössä toteutettua juuri meille parhaan laitteen. KAR-Lehtonen oikeasti toteuttaa sen mitä asiakas haluaa ja pystyy myös asiakkaalle uusissa jutuissa antamaan neuvoa.
Matti Törmänen, Kuljetusliike Törmänen Oy
Vi har haft ett mycket gott samarbete med KAR-Lehtonen i över tjugo år. De har byggt ett antal olje-/ bitumen- och gassläp åt oss. De har även färdigställt alla våra tankbilar. Vi är väldigt nöjda med deras service.
Daniel Rundberg, Rundbergs Bil & Service Ab